Tuesday 18 August 2009

Forgoing Dinner to Learn how to set up a Blog?

The first post is terrifying...bit like blotting up that lovely fresh page of a crisp, new moleskin. I've brought dinner to my desk to fortify me as I set this up. A gazpacho recipe I made up (basically like a pico de gallo on speed) and a luscious, drippy, almost overripe peach. Starting to understand why my keyboards always look manky now.

It's been a good eating week so far. Peaches and melons in full season, and I have been gorging on these for breakfast every day, imagining that I am actually sitting by the sea in a small mediterranean town (not that difficult actually when you're a stone's throw from Edgeware Road, which is anything but 'London'). The fruit's been nicely balanced by a birthday blow-out tea at the Wolseley, still easily the best value for money afternoon tea in town. Good sandwiches, warm scones (beware if you dislike raisins), properely homemade jam, and some of the best cakes in town. They give you enough of a selection to avoid the agony of having to choose as well, which is a relief. The only letdown is the tea - I always ask for Assam, but inevitably get floor sweepings....

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