Tuesday 15 September 2009

It's raining and I need ballast to keep me afloat

It’s been too long and I’ve been terribly lax. Blame it on a concentrated enjoyment of the last days of summer. But today feels like mid-November, and the mind, body and soul is craving a solid serving of stodge. And who does stodge better than the Brits (I should know, having just become one of course). So, flee thee to a Canteen, probably somewhere near you, for some of the best and fairest-priced school dinner cooking around. Tuck in to a massive plate of hot and salty fish and chips, or an almost overwhelming dish of macaroni and cheese, oozy and golden just as it should be. And maybe a nice piece of cake afterwards, with a pot of tea, and I promise, you won’t even feel the rain after that.

And for those looking to celebrate the first anniversary of Lehmans, you might like a nip or two at the new Kensington Wine Rooms. 41 wines by the glass, so if you still have a job and somehow actually made some money this year, you can drink up the mersaults and cote de nuits and whatnot. For the rest of us, there are some pretty sharp choices that stay within budget, Try the white from the Jura region in France *actually Switzerland, but what’s a political border amongst friends* or talk to the lovely sommelier who is top notch, young, Japanese, and shocker..female.

Locations at Royal Festival Hall (Waterloo)
Spitalfields (Liverpool St)
Baker St

Kensington Wine Rooms
127 Kensington Church StLondon, W8 7LP,
0 20 77278142

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